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INHERIT Participation at SRE 2023
Belgium, October 2023
Security Research Event (SRE) takes place during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and is prepared and organised with support of Sweden and Spain on 24 and 25 October 2023 at Square Brussels Convention Centre.
INHERIT Project participates represented by the project Coordinator FOI in SRE2023 with its booth promoting its results to a vast audience consisting of EC Officials, Policy & Decision makers, End Users and aknowledged members of the Academia.
The 2023 edition of the Security Research Event is featuring
Two days of Conferences with thematic sessions;
Exhibition presenting projects, their achievements, and small-scale demonstrations;
The Security Innovation Award Ceremony.
The Exhibition part is illustrating the main themes of the event with over 50 booths presenting selected security research projects funded by the EU programmes, as well booths presenting activities of the European Commission, EU agencies in the field of justice and home affairs.
INHERIT Consortium Meeting and Workshops
Spain, September 2023
INHERIT Project held its Plenary Meeting and a series of 3 Workshops between 19-21 September 2023 in Madrid, Spain.
Moreover, a series of 3 Workshops were held during the meeting period providing insights relevantly to the project’s endeavors. In specific, a Workshop on Exploitation of Project Results on the 19th by E&Q Engineering, a Workshop on Dissemination on the 20th (morning) by KEMEA, and finally on the 20th (afternoon) and 21st (all day event) a Workshop on Capability Gaps by E&Q Engineering.
INHERIT at FINEX 2022 Annual Meeting
The Netherlands, November 2022
The INHERIT Project participated at the Forensic International Network for Explosives Investigation (FINEX) Annual Meeting which was held between 8-11 November 2022 in the Hague, The Netherlands.
The INHERIT project partner Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) who hosted the event in their premises delivered a keynote presentation regarding INHERIT Project Objectives, Strategies and progress achieved so far.
FINEX meeting is internationally recognized as the primary professional meeting for all aspects of forensic explosives investigation. It provides a forum for high quality international interchange of information, including oral and poster presentations on:
• Pre- and post-explosion chemical analysis
• Technical developments in forensic methodology
• Current research
• Forensic case studies
• Quality
INHERIT presentation led to sever-al relevant discussions and successfully resulted to a follow-up agenda for a potential collaboration with FEL (UK) to share knowledge and best practices.
FINEX meeting also included the annual Business Meeting, results from FINEX Interlaboratory Comparisons and reports from the FINEX Project Groups, and a workshop.
INHERIT at Projects to Policy Seminar (PPS)
Belgium, July 2022
INHERIT project participated at Projects to Policy Seminar (PPS) organized by DG HOME and REA C2 unit In Brussels on the 30th of June and the 1st of July 2022. Policy makers and project organisers shared knowledge to bring forth new trends and innovation in EU security policy.
This was the first in-person Projects to Policy Seminar since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. EU policy makers from various Commission Directorates General and EU agencies met with organisers of projects currently funded by the EU in the area of civil security. The presented projects covered a wide array of topics from border surveillance (Silent Border), artificial intelligence (Starlight) to online criminal detection (UNCOVER).
By exchanging views, participants ensured research results of the presented projects will contribute to the future design and implementation of EU security policies. At the same time, policy makers interacted with project coordinators to present latest developments in EU’s security policy.
Two days of breakout sessions, networking and diving into Horizon project tools
The event kicked off with breakout sessions devoted to each thematic area of the Horizon 2020 Security Research cluster:
Borders and External Security
Digital Security
Disaster Resilient Societies
Fight against Crime and Terrorism
Artificial Intelligence and General Matters
In between breakout sessions, seminar participants used the time for networking to connect with colleagues also from other thematic areas. On the second day, the event continued with breakout sessions in the morning followed by plenary sessions on communication, dissemination, and how to make best use of project research results by using the Horizon Results Platform and the Horizon Booster Service tools.
INHERIT 1st Newsletter has been released!
The 1st Newsletter of INHERIT Project is available here!
INHERIT Project Plenary Meeting & Workshop
Sweden, 14 June 2022
The INHERIT Consortium conducted its Plenary Meeting on the 7th of June 2022. The Meeting was held in the Coordinator Premises FOI in Sweden.
The project partners presented in details the progress made so far eithin the framework of INHERIT Project and the discussion that foloowed the meeting provided useful conclusions relevanlty to the future course of action of INHERIT project.
Moreover, on the 8 & 9 June 2022 a two-days workshop has taken place in FOI premises. The workshop provided the participants from the project consortium as well as the end users and stakeholders with useful insights upon the domain of interest of INHERIT project.
Sweden, 11 November 2021
Multiple terrorist attacks within the EU have demonstrated that homemade explosives continue to pose a high risk to society. Restricting access to precursor materials and detecting them is the top priority, but no universal approach alone keeps terrorists from using them. This is why project INHERIT will develop a multidisciplinary approach to intervene across several stages of the terrorism timeline; it builds on previous EU-funded research and focuses on explosive precursor chemicals.
The project coordinator for INHERIT, at the Swedish Defence Research Agency stated, “Our multifaceted team of dedicated experts will enhance the security of explosives through a sound and freshly developed research concept”. On 15 June 2021, delegates from several expert organisations, who make up the multinational consortium of INHERIT, came together to refine their research strategy against explosive threats.
During three years, the EU-funded INHERIT project will develop technologies that make chemicals inert against misuse, easier to detect, and capable of yielding greater forensic value. The aim is to make it impossible for terrorists to use precursor materials for the production of explosives.